Agenda with the speakers' presentations

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The 4th Meeting of the EGTC Approval Authorities

16-17 April 2015, Budapest, Hungary


16 April 2015, Thursday

Experiences on the implementation of the amended EGTC regulation              

Moderator: Péter KISS-PARCIU Head of Department, Cross-border Economic Cooperation Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary 

Sharing experience: representatives of the Approval Authorities and of the European Commission

  • Marek Maga Head of Unit for preparation of Cohesion Policy legislation, Government Office of Slovakia; (presentation)
  • Claudia Zdrenghea expert, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, Romania (presentation)
  • Filip Chybalski expert Territorial Cooperation Department, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Poland (presentation)
  • Martin Lesage Head of Office, Directorate General of Local Authorities - Direction générale des collectivités locales, Ministry of Interior, France (presentation)
  • Maria Puig Pérez, Technical Advisor, Directorate General of Regional and Local Coordination, Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, Spain (presentation)
  • Patrícia Abaffy Head of Unit, Cross-border Economic Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary (presentation)
  • Dirk Peters Team Leader, Senior Expert, Directorate Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission (presentation) 

Introducing good practices of the EGTCs, their role in economic development in the programming period 2014-2020: Results of the 2007-2013 financial period, and an outlook on the 2014-2020 programming period from the perspective of economic development goals

Moderator: Alfonso ALCOLEA MARTINEZ, EGTC Platform, Committee of the Regions 

Implementation experiences

Introducing the experience of the Committee of the Regions based on the Monitoring Report

  • Alfonso Alcolea Martínez, EGTC Platform, Committee of the Regions (presentation)

Experiences of EGTCs

  • Mireia Canals Botines Secretary General, Euroregion Pyrénées – Méditerannée: Introducing the EGTC prize winner project (presentation)
  • Ivan Curzolo EGTC GO (presentation)
  • Valentina Piffer Euregio Tirolo – Alto Adige – Trentino; (presentation)
  • Tímea Kres  Director, Európa-kapu ETT/EGTC (presentation)                              

17 April 2015, Friday

EGTC as an instrument for supporting economic development and business environment

Moderator:  Christian WEINBERGER Senior Advisor, Entrepreneurship and SME Policy, Directorate General of Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission


Opening remarks by the Moderator (presentation)

National Strategies to develop SMEs

  • Dragica Karajić PA8 Coordinator of EUSDR, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts, Croatia (presentation)
  • Olesea Bordan Consultant, SMEs Development Policies and Internal Trade Division, Ministry of Economy: Moldova’s SME Strategy of 2012-2020 (presentation)
  • Erika Papp Counsellor for European Affairs Ministry of Energy,  SMEs and Business Environment, Romania (presentation)

 Economic development as an objective in cooperation programs

  • Dirk Peters Team Leader, Senior Expert, Directorate Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
  • István Joó EU Danube Region Strategy Ministerial Commissioner, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary (presentation)
  • Zsuzsanna Drahos territorial co-operation expert, Department for Planning of Territorial Development, Ministry for National Economy of Hungary (presentation) 
  • Martijn Spaargaren Joint Interreg Secretariat,   Germany – the Netherlands Interreg VA: Instruments serving economic development, results of the program period of 2007-2013 and the objectives for 2014-2020; (presentation)
  • Béla Hegyesi Danube, Central Europe and Interreg EUROPE Contact Point, Department for Planning of Territorial Development, Ministry for National Economy of Hungary: Knowledge and skills in the field of innovation, especially in SMEs and for improving entrepreneurship (presentation)
  • Edina Csányi Seconded senior expert of the European Investment Bank (presentation)

Introduction of new possibilities in economic development taking into consideration cross-border programs and co-operation 

  • Zoltán Barna-Lázár Director, Integrated Consulting Group Ex Ante: Introduction of PPP light project experiences (presentation)
  • Péter Nagy Director, Ister Granum EGTC: Integrated Territorial Investment from a project perspective (presentation)
  • György Mosonyi Vice-president for international relations, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce: „Innoportfólio” - results of an innovative project featuring cross-border co-operation of chambers of commerce 


  Summary and closure of the conference:

Gyula Ocskay Secretary General Central European Service for Cross Border Initiatives CESCI