Euroregion Tirolo-Alto Adige-Trentino, a new EGTC under preparation

Publicated on: January 26, 2011

Based on the working group established by the euroregion partners in the common office of Bolzano that setup focuses on those objectives:

create an European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation (EGTC), implementation and support for speedy elaboration of the various initiatives launched in the framework of the European Region, advisory support for the Provincial Governments, operative handling of all questions relating to the European Region, and a constant exchange of information with the Brussels Office of the European Region, a platform within the European Region for promoting and intensifying contact at various levels, and bringing together and networking potential partners wishing to establish activities in the European Region, a clearing house for all interested parties with questions relating to the European Region. The statutes shall be signed by the first six months of 2011.


