Regulation EC No. 1082/2006 on EGTC foresees that by 1 August 2011 the Commission shall forward a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of the EGTC Regulation and proposals for amendments, where appropriate. Deadline: 20 July 2010

By participating in this consultation, you will contribute to the own-initiative opinion "The review of the EGTC Regulation" that the Committee of the Regions will deliver at the beginning of 2011, and to the consequent legislative work of the institutions. Regulation EC No. 1082/2006 on EGTC foresees that by 1 August 2011 the Commission shall forward a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of the EGTC Regulation and proposals for amendments, where appropriate.

This consultation is a joint initiative of the Committee of the Regions, the Trio of Presidencies of the Council of the European Union (Spain-Belgium-Hungary), the European Commission and the INTERACT programme. It intends to collect the opinions of Member States, EGTC setups and EGTC under preparation, Local and Regional Authorities and other stakeholders concerning EGTC in the perspective of the review of the Regulation. The consultation focuses mainly on the legislative aspects that should be improved or modified in view of the next revision, and also considers the added value and potentialities of the EGTC.
