A Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap pályázati felhívása
A Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap Grants felhívása keretében a következő témák tekintetében lehet pályázni.
A pályázat benyújtási határideje 2018. október 1.
We support projects that strengthen regional and European identity through common cultural initiatives in Visegrad region.
We support projects that raise the Central and Eastern Europe region´s competitiveness through improved skills of citizens.
We support projects that improve the environment for innovation and joint R&D projects and advancement of regional cohesion in economic development.
We support projects that advance democratic values, support human rights and minorities, contribute to development of civil society, strengthen media freedom and access to information.
We support projects that contribute to good governance and improve the effectiveness of public policymaking in the regional context.
We support projects that advance strategies for environmentally sustainable regional development and tourism.